If you learn how to write,
you learn how to think.
What is the Writing Revolution?
In American schools, writing is frequently assigned, but rarely taught (well). Which is why today’s writing instruction leaves students pretty bad at it.
Which is why most writing instruction in this country fails to make students better writers.
After teaching a college class where his mostly college sophomore students were writing at an 8th grade level, Phoenix swore there had to be a better way. He began researching why so many students were bad at writing, and what to do about it.
The Writing Revolution is a way to teach writing, originally developed by Judith Hochman for special needs children. The method turned out to be so successful that schools around the country have begun adopting it to improve their student’s writing, from kindergarten though college.
Believe it or not, the tricks to teaching writing are a. to start with teaching basic sentence structure, and b. to integrate writing instruction into a content-focused curriculum. The method uses writing to make students better thinkers, and works across all grade and skill levels.
Phoenix will work to bring the Writing Revolution to Barbourville. He will empower our teachers by teaching them how to teach writing in ways they never taught possible!