Meet Phoenix.
He’ll Fight for Our Kids!
Still-shot from “Jon Phoenix, Government Guru,” pilot episode
Phoenix, in his capacity as ESGR representative, recognizing a local Patriotic Employer for supporting the Kentucky Guard
Phoenix teaching cooking & canning at the Appalachian Children’s Home
13 years experience as university lecturer, teaching associate, teacher’s aid (elementary school and college level), and producer of children’s educational TV show
Winner of 2018 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award in Sociology, University of Louisville
Created and produced pilot for “Bill Nye”-style educational show to teach the social sciences (See an old trailer here!)
Masters in Sociology, University of Tennessee;
Bachelors in Political Science, Northeastern University;
Currently working on Doctorate, University of Louisville
Finance Officer, Army National Guard.
Commissioning source:
Officer Candidate School, Fort Benning GA
Certificate in Advanced Business Analytics, University of South Carolina/Army Finance School, Fort Jackson SC
Serves as Southeast Kentucky’s Employer Services for Guard and Reservists (ESGR) representative, enforcing the USERRA Act which protects Soldiers from discrimination
Deployed summer of 2020 on the KY Guard’s Coronavirus Response Mission
Teaches cooking and college preparedness classes at the Appalachian Children’s Home in Barbourville
Former volunteer with the Boston Finance Commission, Boston’s premiere anti-corruption agency