Educator. Soldier. Volunteer.

Phoenix Fights for Our Kids!

Get YOUR Mail-in Ballot

Vote-by-Mail and Early Voting have come to Kentucky. Learn how you can request your 2020 ballot!

Need to register to vote? We’ve got you covered too!


Worried about your local schools? Problems you want to share?
The best part of politics is talking to people. Let’s chat!

for Our Kids!

The poorest kids in Kentucky deserve the world’s best education! Whether it’s addressing the pandemic, keeping our schools funded, or closing the knowledge gap, Lt. Phoenix will FIGHT FOR OUR KIDS!


Covid & Your Kid’s Education

Many parents are worried about what effect the Coronavirus Pandemic will have on Barbourville schools. Phoenix has a plan to ensure your kids get the education they need during this crisis!


Join the Parent-Teacher-Student Alliance

  • Tired of achievement gaps?

  • Tired of the War on Teachers?

  • Tired of moronic standardized tests?

Lt. Phoenix has 13 years classroom experience, and a background in sociology of education. His goal: To supercharge Barbourville schools - WITHOUT hurting teachers or students.


to Fight for Barbourville’s Kids

Are you passionate about education?
Volunteer with the Phoenix Campaign!